
Showing posts from October, 2020

Book Review: Life's Amazing Secrets.

  Book Review: Life’s amazing secret by Gaur Gopal Das. Das is one of the most popular and sought-after monks and life coaches in the world, having shared his wisdom with millions. His debut book,  Life’s Amazing Secrets , distills his experiences and lessons about life into a light-hearted, thought-provoking book that will help you align yourself with the life you want to live. I know Gaur Gopal Das Ji through one of his Facebook Videos. I really liked his thoughts and teachings about life. Since then I’m following him on every social media. I got to know about his book ‘Life’s Amazing Secrets’ through Amazon. I am really glad that I bought this book because the stories inside the book is life-changing. In this book Gaur Gopal Das Ji talks about the 4 principles of life that form the foundation of happy life. These are Personal life, work life, Relationships, Social Contributions. He talks about how to balance these 4 principles to lead a happy and peaceful life. The language

Tummbad: Movie Review.

  Movie review- Tummbad Directed by Anand Gandhi and Rahi Anil Barve, the movie’s genre is horror and thriller. Movie revolves around a village named Tumbbad in Maharastra where the whole village worships Hastar, a monster and the eldest child of the goddesses who is never to be worshipped. The story is narrated by Vinayak Rao played by Sohum Shah. Vinayak Rao lost his father at a very young age, he along with his mother and younger brother Sadashiv lives outside of the village. Vinayak’s mother worked at the Vada to feed her family. Tumbbad was cursed by the Gods and Goddess for worshipping Hastar. After the death of his brother, Vinayak and his mother shifted to Pune. Chapter two starts at the interval of 15 years in which Vinayak is visiting Tumbbad in search of the hidden treasure and he succeeded. He returns to Pune and visited often to Tumbbad for the gold coins. In a very short span of time he becomes rich. Vinayak visits Tumbbad with his son this time for showing him the

Product- Price Value Perception.

  Every customer has their own brand perception, Organizations don't claim a brand perception. Brnad perception comes from WoM, customer experience, social media advertisements and reviews. In order to trust the brand customers uses the product and have self-experience regarding the product. Once the customer likes the product, he/she becomes the regular user of the product or brand or we say brand loyality. In order to standout from the rest, a brand needs to use strategies that are profitable for them. They can do promotions, ad campaigns, send free samples so that customers can have knowledge about the product. Most of the times perception is biased, perceptions about product properties and is influenced by the buyer's critical edge of reference. Seen esteem comes down to the value the purchaser is willing to pay for a good or service or not. If a product satisfies the need of the customer, he/she will purchase it often from the same brand. In a market which is driven

Positive and Negative impact of E commerce .

  E commerce are used globally, it has a business of $4.13 trillion. As a consumer, I would like to brief about the positive and negative ways e commerce have impacted me. While eCommerce is thriving in all corners of the world, savvy retailers need to stay up to date with the latest eCommerce stats and keep up with the latest trends in the industry. This invaluable data is what will help you make strategic decisions that’ll help you grow your business even further. POSITIVE: ·         I can shop anytime, anywhere regardless of the time and location. Without getting into the mess or crowd. ·         They also give specific discounts to their regular customers, also free shipping, scratch cards, cashbacks etc which we don’t really get into the outlets. ·         Easy returns and replacement without arguing with the shopkeeper and they even return your money. ·         I can easily compare products to see which is the better one. ·         One of the best features I think is

How my Social Life has changed with the advent of E-commerce and M-commerce.

E commerce and M commerce has changed the whole definition of buying and selling of goods and services. Today, in all parts of our everyday carries on with, the Internet has become an integrated aspect of our lives, as it handy affects our social exercises. E commerce and M commerce had made everyone’s life easier. These brands promote themselves by discounts, coupons and what not. For example, take Flipkart’s Big Billion Days and Amazon’s Great Indian Sale, they give us huge discounts on brands which we usually don’t find it in the outlets. You, me and every person using E commerce and M commerce are attracted to this and why not? You have thousands of options to look at and you’re shopping while sitting in your house in your pyjamas. I am using E commerce and M commerce for quite a while now and it has changed my social life in numerous viewpoints, before using web based business sites I used to visit shops and outlets and to be straightforward it was somewhat tiring, on the off ch

Style, Fashion and Fad in relevance of Society and Consumer Behavior.

  Style, fashion and fad. Style, Fashion and Fad, are three terms or trends used to describe the life cycle trends of a product .   Let’s go into the brief and know what exactly Style, Fashion and Fad really are. STYLE: Style is the longest lasting trend; style is related to almost every product. It is the unpredictable trend of the three. A style has a cycle which shows a mix of increased and decreased sales over time. For Ex. Gold or platinum jewelries are sold for years with a few changes (designs etc). The product mentioned in the example always shows a mix of increased or decreased sales over time. FASHION: Fashion is more steady progression of trend, opposite of style. Fashion increases rapidly then remains constant for a while and then decreases proportionally to a decline. We can take fashion as an example for this trend, in 1990s, razor-thin, over-arched eyebrows became a fashion, women loved that thin eyebrows and it stayed for a while but eventually it declined a

Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year.

Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year Harpreet Singh Bedi a guy who just graduated with average marks, applies for the position of salesman in several companies, he visited AYS computers for his interview, there he was asked to sell pencil, he failed at selling the pencil but got hired because he didn’t give up. A salesman faces a lot of social and psychological challenges, most of the times they work under great pressure. Because of such pressure and targets a salesperson forgets about their social life, they just and work and complete their targets. It is considered that if a salesperson does not earn incentives is of no use and you can see it in this movie. In sales you can earn a great amount of money but you also have to work 24*7, regardless of time, days, holidays. There are some employees who also works during the holiday or weekend because their customers or clients are free at that time only. In order to make a sale or close the deal salesperson must connect with their cus

Product Life Cycle of Parle-G and Dove.

PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE OF PARLE G This 70-year-old cookies is an iconic brand and we all know Parle-G since our childhood, it is in the market since 1939 and almost everyone loves the product. People still buy the product because of the memories or we can say nostalgia, but now Parle-G is now at their declining stage, the declining stage of parle g started from 2006 and continues till date. The product was at their introduction stage in 1939, before we got independence and slowly it captured the market and continued to grow, from 1949-1997 parle g was at their growth stage, in the year 1997 parle g was at their maturity stage till 2006. The product is at the declining stage because it never innovated, Parle-G needs to innovate without losing its 70-year-old quality and taste, and with the help of some marketing efforts and innovation the product will again start gaining the market . PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE OF DOVE Dove is a personal care brand owned by Hindustan Unilever Limited. The intr

Competitive Analysis.

A  competitive analysis  is a strategy where you identify major  competitors  and research their products, sales, and marketing strategies. By doing this, you can create solid business strategies that improve upon your  competitor's . A  competitive analysis  helps you learn the ins and outs of how your  competition  works. Competitive Analysis of following sectors: E- commerce bra nd:  Flipkart -  Flipkart was found by 2 former employees of amazon.  On its  website , the e-commerce engine claims to be the country's "leading e-commerce marketplace with over 80 million products across 80+ categories" and approximately 100 million registered users. T he e-commerce engine claims to be the country's "leading e-commerce marketplace with over 80 million products across 80+ categories" and approximately 100 million registered users.  Flipkart has the advantage of being a homegrown company facing fewer legal constraints than its foreign competitors. PAYTM-  Pay

Airtel and It's Life Journey.

Establised on July 7, 1995,  Bharti Airtel Limited is a leading global telecommunications company with operations in 18 countries across Asia and Africa. Headquartered in New Delhi, India, the company ranks amongst the top 3 mobile service providers globally in terms of subscribers. In India, the company's product offerings include 2G, 3G and 4G wireless services, mobile commerce, fixed line services, high speed home broadband, DTH, enterprise services including national & international long distance services to carriers. In the rest of the geographies, it offers 2G, 3G, 4G wireless services and mobile commerce. Airtel was leading the market, until Jio was launched and it provided free data for almost 2 years, Airtel started to lose its market and customer base, almost every competitor of airtel failed in the market due to Jio, Jio was offering services at very low cost, so to compete with Jio, Airtel also reduced its prices, to have a comeback in the market, and now Jio's

Porter's competitive strategy of Zomato and Swiggy.

    ZOMATO COST LEADERSHIP STRATEGY USED IN ZOMATO: ·         Zomato adapted cost leadership strategy by lowering the cost, making it affordable and easy accessible for the customers. ·         Zomato always offers discounts, coupons to keep their customers engaged.       DIFFERENTIATION  STRATEGY USED BY ZOMATO: ·         Zomato is an exceptional platform, it allows customers to differentiate, compare foods online by reviews, Zomato has diversified its services and was the first in the Indian market before swiggy was launched. FOCUS STRATEGY USED BY ZOMATO: ·         Zomato adopted focus strategy to reduce the cost and provide best value to its customer.   SWIGGY COST LEADERSHIP STRATEGY USED BY SWIGGY: ·         When swiggy came into existence Zomato was already there. So Swiggy has to used each and every strategy to acquire the market share. By lowering the cost and targeting the middle-class society swiggy adopted this strategy.   DIFFERENTIATION  STRA

Porter's Competitive Strategy of HUL and ITC.

  HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LIMITED DIFFERENTIATION  STRATEGY USED IN HUL: ·         Unilever product Dove, despite of being high prices stands out their competitors because it focuses more on cleaning and moisturizing. ·         Company attracts customers to specially designed products.   COST LEADERSHIP STRATEGY USED IN HUL: ·         Simple pricing policy of low-cost products. ·         Discounts offers. ·         All income group of people.   FOCUS STRATEGY USED IN HUL: ·         Revises its branding strategy and brings continuous changes to their products. ·         Focuses on lowest price as much as possible.                                    ITC DIFFERENTIATION  STRATEGY USED BY ITC: ·         ITC India ltd first has extended its product line after studying consumers’ health concerns. ·         Being an experienced brand, ITC uses differentiation as a tool to reduce the pressure by other brands.                                                       

Porter's Competitive Strategy of Jio and Airtel.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         JIO COST LEADERSHIP STRATEGY: Cost leadership strategy is used by lowering the cost. COST LEADERSHIP STRATEGY USED BY JIO: ·         Uses efficient value chain management. ·         Reliance Jio revolutionized by affordability, and by targeting middle class. ·         Charging low prices.   DIFFERENTIATION  STRATEGY: Differentiation is another most commonly used generic strategy to build a competitive advantage . DIFFERENTIATION  STRATEGY USED BY JIO: ·         Heavy celebrity endorsement, marketing, advertisement. ·         Brand has gone many changes but the essence remained same.   FOCUS STRATEGY: In this strategy companies concentrate on their resources on expanding the narrowly targeted segments.   FOCUS STRA

Porter's Competitive Strategy of Flipkart and Paytm.

  Flipkart COST LEADERSHIP: Cost leadership strategy involves gaining a competitive advantage by lowering the cost. Cost leadership is the main generic strategy that FLIPKART uses in various consumer markets. COST LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES USED BY FLIPKART: ·         The objective of using the cost leadership strategy is to preserve market leadership by the efficient value chain management. ·         Flipkart targets the middle class and it helps them to expand their market share. ·         Flipkart frequently offers discount and coupons. ·         Flipkart focuses on affordability and easy accessibility.   DIFFRENTIATION: Differentiation is another Porter’s strategy that Flipkart follows with the combination of cost leadership strategy.   DIFFRENTIATION STRATEGY USED BY FLIPKART: ·         Unique product features. ·         Extensive experience, the oldest brands and strong presence. ·         Brand logo, unique and distinctive brand logo.   FOCUS STRATEGY :