Product Life Cycle of Parle-G and Dove.


This 70-year-old cookies is an iconic brand and we all know Parle-G since our childhood, it is in the market since 1939 and almost everyone loves the product. People still buy the product because of the memories or we can say nostalgia, but now Parle-G is now at their declining stage, the declining stage of parle g started from 2006 and continues till date. The product was at their introduction stage in 1939, before we got independence and slowly it captured the market and continued to grow, from 1949-1997 parle g was at their growth stage, in the year 1997 parle g was at their maturity stage till 2006. The product is at the declining stage because it never innovated, Parle-G needs to innovate without losing its 70-year-old quality and taste, and with the help of some marketing efforts and innovation the product will again start gaining the market.


Dove is a personal care brand owned by Hindustan Unilever Limited. The introduction stage of Dove started in 2011. Dove comparing to other soap brands was a bit expensive when it was introduced in the market. The higher price was to give the product the tag of ‘premium’. However, the sales were not up to the mark because of the high prices. Dove then came up the ad campaigns and promotions to attract customers.

The growth stage of Dove started after the ‘Real Beauty Campaign’ started by Dove, after viewing the result of the survey which showed only 2% of women considered themselves beautiful. They created a whole new definition of the word ‘beauty’. Now, Dove is at their maturity stage, innovations, campaigns, and a large number of loyal customers helped Dove to reach and stay at this stage for so long.



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